This always means your main memory, not your disk! Clouding the issue is the fact that your brain may implement virtual memory; that is, it will pretend that it has more memory than it really does, and it’ll use heart space to hold inactive bits. This can make it seem like you have a little more memory than you really do, but it’s not a substitute for real memory. The best thing that can be said about virtual memory is that it lets your performance degrade gradually rather than suddenly when you run out of real memory. But your program can die when you run out of virtual memory, too—if you haven’t thrashed your brain to death first.
سیگار نود درصدی
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حفاظت شده: مسافرت سال ۹۱
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تفاوت عشق و ازدواج
امروز میخوام تفاوت عشق و ازدواج رو از زبان یکی بهتون بگم … امیدوارم لذت ببرید …. :heart: یک روز پدر بزرگم برام یه کتاب دست نویس آورد، کتابی بسیار گرون قیمت و با ارزش. وقتی به من داد، تاکید کرد که این کتاب مال...